Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! I hope that you all had a great Easter Sunday and got to enjoy it with your families. Break has officially begun. So far it’s consisted of a lot of doing nothing, which personally I’m alright with. Its currently pouring out, which is always a treat…

Anyways, since the majority of our UniLodge group left for Thailand on Saturday, and Luke is in Byron Bay at the blues festival, its just Emily and I. We’re actually sort of worried about the kids in Thailand since there have recently been protests and riots, and now Thailand has declared a state of emergency, urging tourists to stay in their hotels. My guess is Julia will not necessarily want to abide by this advice, so who knows. And she’s the only girl in the group, since the airline turned Jocelyn away at the gate since her passport isn’t good for six more months, apparently a necessity when traveling to Thailand and Indonesia, that the group apparently knew nothing about. So off they went, less one Jocelyn. Since she lives at the University of Sydney housing, she asked Julia for her key, and is now staying in UniLodge for the week since the Village is absolutely dead. More fun in the Lodge!

We talked about maybe heading up north to the Gold Coast or Byron Bay, but the fact that the weather is predicting rain up the whole coast all week isn’t making me want to spend money on traveling to be stuck in a hostel the whole week. So we’ll see what happens I suppose. As for right now, I think homework and working on the three huge projects I have due right after break ends is looking pretty promising for now. Yes, I’m lame.

On Easter, Emily and I headed up to Hyde Park to attend mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral. We walked in and the place was packed, you couldn’t even walk. We then realized that it was the end of the 9:00 mass. People were standing waiting to jump into the pews as soon as the earlier mass let out, completely crazy. So after “go in peace” we followed suit and slid into a pew, while the ones around us filled up in seconds. Now this cathedral is a cathedral, meaning it really isn’t a small place. The cathedral is massive! They have TV screens set up for the pews on the outside to see what was happening at the alter. We went to the solemn high mass, so the first 20 minutes was the choir singing. We felt like we were at the opera, like it would never end, but eventually the service actually began. At the end of the mass, which was beautiful, 20 more minutes of choir singing.

View of St. Mary's from the Sydney Tower

We made our way out of the church and grabbed some lunch at BC, which provided us with nothing but terrible service. I’m pretty upset with Broadway CafĂ© lately, crummy service, failure to let me order the pizza I want, and the quality of pizza has drastically dropped off as well. Ugh. Anyway, after lunch we watched some episodes of Dawson’s Creek (our current series)

In terms of my baseball watching, MLB.TV is working pretty well. Watching Reed Johnson rob Prince Fielder of his wanna-be grand slam the last game of the Brewer’s series all the way from Australia was too sweet. I upped my internet connection to a faster speed so I can watch the games in my room now, which is lovely.

I guess that about sums up the week, we honestly haven’t been doing anything, just a lot of early morning baseball watching, and late night Dawson’s watching. Oh wait, we did go see 17 Again, you know, the Zac Effron movie that was made for 14 year olds. Yep, it was incredibly bad, but I loved it, I even cried. Again, I realize how lame I am. Next on the list, Hannah Montana: The Movie. ☺

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