Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Panini In My Face

I suppose it's time for an update on my life.  

So monday, we all woke up relatively early (thought pretty much every cannot sleep in here, it's sort of weird, and very annoying) for Orientation.  We, and by we I mean AustraLearn kids and a million freshman.  It was really weird, we had to all stand as the speakers proceeded in, with organ music and all, I felt like I needed to make the sign of the cross once the organ stopped.  And they were all wearing their robes, graduation style. They did mention the only other time we'd see them in those was at graduation, which we obviously wouldn't be there for. We learned a bit about the school, watched some more aboriginal dancing, then it was finished.  There were other parts, but we bailed out since it was things like "How to study", pretty much seminars for freshman entering Uni.  We did come back for our compulsory International Students seminar, in which we watched a pretty ridiculous slideshow about fitting in and culture shock. Then we played Aussie trivia and Julia was one of the last people standing (thanks to me, 50 million kangaroos in Australia, yeah, I knew that!) and she won two free movie tickets, which of course she gave one of to me because she owed me dearly for the 'roo question! Afterwards we decided to meet up with Evan, Jenny and Caroline (the IUians staying at UniLodge we met the other night) and go out to Scubar. That was an adventure. Quite a long walk, in the rain, while *sober*, in heels...not so much fun. And then once we got there we had to stand in line outside, and once I get to the front they decide not to let me in. Everyone else was allowed in, except for me, they said "I appeared visibly intoxicated", but so did everyone else! Their solution, I go nextdoor and buy a bottle of water and drink the whole thing in front of them. Because that sobers a person up? But I obliged and was let in, $2.50 on a water later. It's hilarious how much American music they play from four months ago, they're prettty behind on a lot of things over here. But what can ya do. The night ended weirdly, with everyone just peacing out in small groups and not notifying the others, weird, but everyone made it home fine.

I don't really recall what we did on Tuesday. But I do know that Tessa, Julia and I have started a wonderful tradition of making paninis in her George Forman grill that she bought. We literally have had them every single day we've been here. Not sick of them yet, we'll see how long that takes. We aren't sick of The Point pizza yet either, which we eat regularly since they have great deals, the pizza is awesome, and it's across the street. And happy hour starts at 3 and goes until 8. Can't beat it. 
Guido's roommate arrived at some point on Tuesday. Really funny guy from IU. After we all ate at the pizza place, 16 of us crammed into Luke's room (which might I remind you are TINY) and watched Flight of the Concords and Its Always Sunny on his laptop. It was hilarious, mostly because there were 16 of us watching a laptop in a room the size of a closet. But I love that even after only a week and a half we're all completely comfortable with eachother to be sitting on top of eachother with feet on people's heads and the like. Plans to go to Melbourne over the weekend were attempting to happen, but died quickly when all the girls nixed it. And then we all went to bed at 11. We love to rage here.
Yesterday was another lazy day. The weather has been so sucky no one wants to go see the Opera House when it's raining. So we've been putting that off for a nice day. But it's literally been in the 60's and drizzly rainy for the past few days. Lame. I went to the grocery store to buy more bread and turkey for my panini's obviously, and decided I'd like fresh turkey rather than the packaged stuff. So I go up to the deli and realize I have NO CLUE how to order. I don't know metric conversions to save my life, which is somewhat of a small problem here. So I said "well, I'd like some turkey, butttttt I don't know how much." She laughed at me grabbed a handful and I told her that would be perfect. I should really get on those conversions. Oh, and later in the night Julia and I wanted to make guacamole, and in my greatest attempts to find cilantro, I could not. So once we left and went to the liquor store, I felt it necessary to ask Carl (the nice man behind the counter) if cilantro existed here. This is when I came to find that they in fact to, but its called coriander. That would have been nice information to know earlier. Granted I could have asked while at the grocery store, but...well, thats me. Later before going out, we went to Guido and Scott's room since its a lot bigger than any or the AustraLearn singles (they have a loft and a balcony the size of my entire room, probably bigger). More IU boys joined us, which was funny because I kept asking them all where the lived on campus and they all proceeded to say 14th and Indiana. Yep, they all lived in the same apartments, but none of them knew each other previous to getting here. Love when that happens. Then some more IU girls joined us, who are living all the way up at Bondi Junction. That's gonna be a sucky commute everyday for class. But they are close to the beach. Once the arrived to headed over to the Landsdowne, a pub right across the street, and met up with the Gumali's (thats our new name for the kids living in Gumal) and the other UniLodge kids who'd  headed over early. Pretty fun night over there as well. Lots of dancing and singing. A girl was singing for awhile, lots of Tracy Chapman, loved it! But once she finished, some random surfer guy just got on stage and started playing guitar and singing, a really great range of songs, and he was good too! Loved it. And I love that there is no grinding here! It's so much more fun to just dance like normal people rather than people in rap videos! Seriously! 
Today I went and met with my advisor to straighten out my classes. One of my classes was changed to Thursday, which was when two of my other classes are, and overlapped them both. And it's the only day that it is offered, so I'm going to have to drop it and pick up a different class. Which hopefully will work out. Fingers crossed. Oh, and I also received an email today saying that one of my classes won't be starting until April 20th, which means it won't be ending until July 20th, three weeks after I'll have gone home, which means I need to drop that class as well. Awesome. Uggggh. 
Going to see He's Just Not That Into You with the girls tonight at the theater across the street. Good thing Julia and I have free tickets! Then stoplight party at Scubar. Fun. 


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