Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tweet Tweet

Hey everyone, I've got Twitter now, so follow me-- ldevane
Additionally, if you don't know what Twitter is, it's yet another social networking phenomena that is creeping up on the world. Pretty much the basis is people can just update their "followers" on what they're doing. So say I just bought my tickets for the FIFA 2010 World Cup qualifier for Asia, Australia vs. Uzbekistan, which I just have, I could type that in and then people who "follow" me could see that when they log on and think "Wow that's pretty cool".  And with all the Blackberry's and Iphones and all that jazz these days, people can update their twitter, or be updated on other people, straight from their phones. Taylor Swift was twittering about sightseeing in Australia a couple weeks ago when she was here.  Tony Hawk, pro skateboarder, was twittering just a few days ago about being at Bondi Beach...crazy. There are tons of celebs on there now too, along with corporations, magazines, websites, etc. Point is, if there is someone or something you feel like you want to keep up with, get on Twitter. 

And side note, for all of you who saw my address and immediately ran out to send me a package, before you seal it up, lets remember that it is almost Easter, and the one thing that the Easter bunny has always brought me (besides underwear until I was about 11) was  Peeps, and they don't make them here, so I don't think the Aussie Easter bunny is going to be able to deliver this year. What a travesty! So go ahead, send me some Peeps! But if you're as poor as me and don't have cash money to send me anything, just a good 'ol snail mail letter  would make me smile.  I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to miss home. Like I said, I love the people here, but I miss my friends from home so much. And even though I hear it's snowing in Chicago right now, I miss my city. Sydney is beautiful of course, but I really do love Chicago and my view from my apartment. Anyways, if you want to brighten my day you now know how. Ow now brown cow. 

Oh and one last thing, I've become obsessed with omelets. Seriously. I've got a portable cooktop in my room, and I make omelets for myself every morning when I wake up now, really good ones with red and yellow capsicum, mushrooms, onions, ham, cheese, you name it. And recently I came up with the ingenious idea to chop up all the ingredients right when I get them, throw them into a tupperwear, and then all I have to do is pour some into a pan and sauté them then make the eggs. Best idea ever. And it makes me room smell delicious all the live long day! Howanski, you'd love it, its the most wonderful thing ever, I'll make you one straight away when I return. 

That's all. 

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