Monday, March 9, 2009


Ok, I realize I'm posting this on Friday back home, and there is not information up to today, the internet has sucked bad in my room, so it wasn't letting me post this blog. I'll be updating what has happened since this real soon, I swear!

Sorry, sorry, sorry! I suck at keeping up with this blog lately. It's been a week, so I won't update you on EVERY day that's gone by, just the important junk. Take into consideration that since I'm horrible and haven't blogged since last tuesday, I'm backing all the way up to then.

Last Tuesday night was, well Tuesday night. And  you may know by now means that you go to Scruffy's.  I decided to go hang out with Scott and Guido because they'd bought a grill and smuggled it up to their room and onto their balcony. In turn, barbecue!  A few of the other IU guys came over, along with S&G's neighbors, Anna and Krista, who both go to BC.  After eating a delicious meal and having some drinks we decided to head to Scruffs, where I of course ran into Erin because, Hey, Tuesday night is Scruffys, FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING IN SYDNEY, clearly. I also ran into the Luke's and Chelsea. Good tiiiimes. So later in the night I'm having a perfectly nice conversation with Luke V and a bouncer comes and taps me on the shoulder and tells me that my night is over. Now, I'm quite confused at this point, seeing as I've done nothing wrong. So of course I ask what he means, and he proceeds to tell me that I have to leave because I'm "too drunk." Now this confused myself, as well as Luke. Luke asked why I was being thrown out and he told him "She stumbled once, and I could see it in her eyes." Yes, clearly, since he came up from behind me,  he could see my eyes through my scull and brain, so that makes perfect sense. Anywho, I wasn't gonna fight the guy, so Scott offered to walk me home, and that was that. Stupid Scruffy's, but of course I'll be back.

The nights are sort of blending together, but one night we decided to rent a movie, Funny Games, with Naomi Watts. I do...not? recommend it.  It's just a very strange and messed up movie about these two whacko guys and a home invasion. If you really feel like wasting your night, go ahead, it's actually somewhat humorous, though I'm not sure it's really supposed to be, but Julia and I got a good chuckle out of it.

Another night I went to Cargo Bar with the IU kids and the BC kids, where we ran into every other person we've met since we've been here. It was hoppin. Now this was an interesting night for one reason and one reason only. Scott Beeler. Allow me to explain.  Before going to Cargo Bar we decided to play some six cup wine pong on the BC girls balcony for awhile. Now, this means we're all just drinking wine, in the amounts you'd down beer for beer pong, only wine. So we really weren't that drunk. I went down in the middle of the games, and everyone seemed pretty sober. I was there for maybe another hour and a half, and we were just hanging out playing, I think I only ended up playing one game even. Regardless, Scott went back to his place to change right before we left, and when he came back, he was HAMMERED.  Now I'm not sure if we just didn't notice before, but he was drrrrunk. I told him he probably shouldn't even come because it was a slim chance he'd even get into the bar, since they're big on not letting drunk people in. He decided that he was not drunk, and completely capable of going, and who am I to crush the guys dreams, so into the cab we got. Once there, he dropped his wallet getting out of the cab and I politely instructed him to keep his ID in his breast pocket for easy access. In line, he decided it would be a good idea to fall on his hands and knees. Disaster. He somehow managed to be let in, no idea how. After getting about 20 feet, er, correction 6 meters into the establishment, Scott turned to me and announced "I'm going home!" This was probably for the best. He got himself a cab, which later I found out he only rode in for 3 minutes until he told the cabbie he needed to get out, and then walked the three miles home. So the mystery will now be put into the history books right along with Who shot JFK?, the new addition will be How did Scott Beeler go from sober to blackout in a matter of seconds? It may never be solved. Minus that bit of ruckus the night was fun, I paid a lovely $12 for a VCR (vodka, cranberry, redbull; I realize  this is probably bad for me, but tastes oh so good) and danced the night away.

Saturday was the Mardi Gras parade.  It was madness my friend, absolute madness.  Think Election Night in Grant Park back in November, except take all those people packed in the street  and line them up along the street, then add costumes, gays, and booze.  It was so crazy, and we could hardly even see the parade.  As we learned when we got there, bringing stools is the way to go.  Everyone stands on them so they're all two feet taller than normal, and seeing over them is pretty much impossible unless you're Shaq, and to my best knowledge, I am not him.  People improvised by climbing the sparse trees, or sitting on tops of telephone booths. Somehow we got separated from the rest of the group, so Julia and I walked waaaaaaaay down Oxford St. (but not before Julia took a nice photograph with a tall, red dress-wearing drag queen) until we could squeeze in somewhere and get a better view. After awhile we decided we should head back towards town before the parade ended, otherwise it would just be absolute chaos!  We met up with the rest of the group at Scruffy's for dinner, then they all went out to Sidebar, I grabbed some Starbucks and went home to bed since the fam was getting in the next day.

The family minus Leslie got here Sunday morning, after a pretty crummy flight evidently.  I walked to their hotel which is right out near The Rocks, and decided I'd be taking cabs and buses from now on. The three mile walk at night isn't as bad as it is in the middle of the day. The boys were pretty jet lagged, so they took a nap while Mom and I got lunch and Mani/Pedi's. Now, these pedicures were probably the greatest pedicures of our lives. Mom straight up asked the woman if she could take her home with her. They were amazing! And now my toes look very pretty :) Dinner later was at the Italian Village, which was very good and entertaining. The entertainment for the night: Mom, after a few glasses of wine and no sleep for 48 hours. Needless to say she has brought up at least four things we spoke about that night in the past couple days, not realizing we had in depth conversations about it that night. Whoops. Tonight we went to Wildfire, which was right in Sydney Harbor, so good. 

I've been sick lately, which sucks. I haven't really been able to make it out to the zoo and aquarium and stuff with them because Tuesday I woke up and literally felt like death, didn't even make it to class, just laid in bed like a ball all day. We think Mom and Davis had the flu the night before, so I may have caught it from them.  My stomach is feeling much better today, but I'm still really sick, cold/sinus-wise. Better get better soon, Smat and Leslie depart from Indy in just a few hours to fly themselves on over to visit me! They get in Friday morning early, so I'm really stoked to see them both. 
Emily, Julia and I joined the gym across the street, finally. Yes, I know I said we were going to do that a lonnng time ago, well we've been busy! All that matters is that we've joined now, and as soon as I can breathe through my nose, I'm going to be working out a lot, because drinking and eating a lot is not being kind to me. The (wo)man that signed us up was named Felicity, and (s)he was a character, let me tell you! Clearly it's understood by my use of parenthesis, I'm still not sure if this was a man or a woman, though Felicity was the name, I'm still not quite convinced she was a woman. But regardless, she was just outrageous all around, I wish I could explain her, but I can't so this part of the post is pointless, too bad, not deleting, when I look back and read this I'll laugh, even if you don't. 

Alright enough about what I've been doing, I think it's time for some fun Aussie information/observations.
I do want to talk about TV over here. Shut up Luke, it was my plan, even if you got to it first.  I may have mentioned that we get about seven channels, four that actually come in clearly enough to watch. They're called 7, 9, 10, and some other one without a name. Oh yes, and also on that is not in English, ever.  According to my brother, Two and A Half Men is the most popular sitcom over here, not sure how he knows this, but lets trust him on it. I never really watched this back at home, but as of recent, my mother has become absolutely obsessed with it, it's actually all she can talk about. So I've been giving it a try, and it is pretty funny. Ellen is on everyday without fail at noon, and also I think at 1am, though I'm not sure if thats regularly or just last night. The View comes on after Ellen and then Oprah I believe. As you can see, the women of America have a great influence on Aussie culture as well.  I walked into Luke V's room one day as he was intently watching Oprah talk about living a long life.  She explained that drinking goat milk will help you live longer, and Luke decided to buy some and try it. He never did, so after two weeks of talking, I bought it for him and we tried it, not too bad. I guess I can check "Try milk from an animal other than a cow" off my list of things to do before I die. Annnnyways, back to TV. As for primetime, they get a lot of the same shows as us, but they're about six episodes behind on everything. Greys, Private Practice, 24, Cold Case, SVU, etc. The show they're most definitely obsessed with is Biggest Loser Couples. No joke, it is on every night. But everything is in kilos so its just too over my head. I supposed I could use my math skills and know that one kilogram is 2.2 pounds, but I'm watching TV, I don't need to think too. They also have a lot of their own dramas, such as shows called Home and Away, Neighbors (I think this is their version of The OC), and Underbelly, which I have yet to get into yet. And now on to late night. Once I came back from the bars, maybe 3 or 3:30, flip on the TV and what do I see? Good 'ol Al Roker, just the smiling face I was expecting...or not.  Yep, the Today Show was on. Flip the channel, because really how much Al can one person take, and Good Morning America is on. Crazy.

Another thing I've noticed, there are a lot of blind people here. Now I realize this is a strange observation, but I must've seen enough to have brought it to your attention.  Honestly, I feel as if I rarely see blind people on the streets of Chicago. But here, I see at least one a day. The other day I counted four. one day!  It's been brought up on conversation amongst us before, someone has thrown the idea out that the sun is so bright here thats what causes it. I'm gonna say probably not, but a good guess as least. 

Ok that's good for now, I PROMISE I won't wait so long again before I write. 

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